Sandown Public Convenience
Redevelopment for the Public
The Isle of Wight Council appointed ERMC to provide a feasibility study and planning application for the redevelopment of the public convenience site at the bottom of Pier Street, Sandown.
This site was highlighted within our Eastern Bay Regeneration Vision document, also produced for the Council, and earmarked for a betterment of public amenity and potential new commercial uses within a contemporary roof top extension.
The key principles of the proposals are as follows:
The efficient reconfiguration of the existing building footprint.
A refurbishment that is both sympathetic and complimentary in design and function to both the nearby Sandown Pier and the wider Conservation Area.
The creation of new dedicated toilet facilities that are easier to maintain and can remain open for use year-round.
The expansion of existing soft landscaping and adjustment of surrounding ground levels to create a more comfortable, functional and attractive public realm.

The proposals
The site comprises dedicated male and female public toilet facilities as well as a commercial unit. Its development will primarily consist of the expansion of the commercial unit (including the creation of an upper level with a secondary entrance and outdoor terrace with sea views) and the construction of a new dedicated public toilet block over an adjacent former substation enclosure.
Ground levels around the buildings will be consolidated with new and refurbished staircases and ramped access where appropriate, and the existing soft landscaping that currently surrounds the structure will be retained and expanded to better relate to the public realm.
Beachfront views
Understanding the importance of the seaward views from the seafront and associated commercial areas, we have designed a proposed first floor addition that endeavours to maintain an unobstructed view of Sandown Pier and its surroundings. This was achieved through extensive use of glazing elements and a low-profile flat roof.
Its glazed exterior allows enhanced near-360° views of the sea, beachfront and Esplanade, and the orientation of the terrace, aligned with the façade below, presents an unparalleled, elevated outlook of Sandown Pier and its setting.