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Compton Public Convenience

A Modular Design Solution

ERMC were commissioned by The National Trust to develop a proposal for improvements to the Hanover Point car park on Military Road, Compton.

This project is part of a wider review of the strategic importance of the coastline and the wider context by the Trust. The general goal is to improve access for all, increase engagement with the natural realm and improve the amenities for the wider public as part of the Trusts ongoing investment.

ERMC developed and filled out the initial client brief following a review of some of the constraints and opportunities of the site. The site has an anticipated lifespan of 25 years, after which coastal erosion is likely to overtake the majority of the site, possibly even to the extent of the road itself as currently located. A modular design solution was therefore produced to enable the building to be relocated further inland or to another site.

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Material choices

Much thought and consideration has been given to the
material palette. The primary material is the timber cladding.
This covers the majority of the external walls of the new
toilets. The orientation of these timber boards varies to
replicate the structure of the soil strata which is evidenced
along this coastline.

The inclusion of cor-ten steel will patina with age from a
bright orange/rust colour through to a darker blacker tone.
The corrosion it experiences then forms part of the protection against weathering.

The drought tolerant sedum roof is a more lightweight structural solution rather than a heavy weight traditional roof.

Design considerations

The roof form is mono-pitch and contemporary
rather than the traditional duo-pitch gabled roof of the
previous toilet block. The orientation of the roof is due south, this optimises the roof form towards the sun for the PV panels to benefit from increased direct sunlight. The roof form also allows the inclusion of service plant to be installed above the toilets themselves without being visually offensive.

The new toilet block is larger than the previous provision to allow for the inclusion of an accessible changing place. In addition to this, the toilets have a service zone for maintenance directly behind them. This allows maintenance and servicing of the all the associated pipework and drainage without affecting the public toilets themselves. 

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